Saturday, March 6, 2010

DIY - Old Desk Refurbished

This DIY project what quite the deal. I found this old desk for free on the Internet. It is huge and is perfect for all my crafting! I sanded it down and painted it with an Oil Based High Gloss black paint. And then topped it off with new hardware.
Total price of this project: About 20 bucks!
DIY projects Rock!


Michael and Amanda Ellis said...

Wow, that is a very cool desk. I especially like the double pull-out extensions. Maybe I'll quit making myself stuff at the Mill and just hire you to find and refinish cool old pieces like this.

Anonymous said...

I have that exact same desk from a previous employer and have been looking for ideas to refurbish it. Mine still has all the original hardware and laminate covering and the hubby and I already chopped off the extra foot or so edge around the sides and back to fit in the space needed. Thanks for giving me something else to think about doing!

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